PM Forum


Is story-telling in marketing a dying art?

Gav Thompson, chief customer officer at fashion brand Boden makes a powerful argument for the importance of intuition in marketing. 

“Data is fantastic and you have to understand it, learn it and love it, but not at the expense of being able to empathise with your...…

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How to take criticism well

What do you mean you don't like this article? That would be really hard to take if I hadn't taken onboard these lessons on how to be more...

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Put skates on the snail...

Practical insights here on improving agility for marketing teams. You can’t buy ‘fast’. You have to be it. You have work hard to...

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Treat your weekend like a vacation!

Its all about the mindset! Slow down and embrace the weekend. 

Have some 'you' time! Pay more attention to the surroundings in front...

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