PM Forum


How Firms Can Nurture Internal Thought Leaders

The specialist knowledge, insight and best practice essential to differentiate your business and define competitive advantage already...

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Bringing agile to customer care

Empowering frontline workers to excel as team-based problem solvers is seeing early adopters achieving impressive performance gains.

Agile has tremendous potential to revolutionize customer care and unlock the value of frontline employees, who represent a huge untapped...…

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Whistle while you work!

Working in an environment that has music playing throughout the day increases productivity levels and team morale. An improved mood from...

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One is the loneliest number

How clustering them on teams and improving their promotion process can put an end to the costly workplace isolation experienced by many...

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Don't be a busy fool!

If our activity is not productive we are simply wasting time.  It’s easy to be too focused on the doing and the implementation and...

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Is anybody listening to me?

Anyone who has collaborated with colleagues on a group project knows just how hard it can be to share and receive ideas. To move the...

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Trust, or lack of trust to be specific are most commonly associated when considering or planning for a shift to agile  working.

In a...

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How to speak up when it matters

Speaking up is hard to do. Make it easier by following these three steps when you feel a situation warrants your intervention.

While we’d all like to think that if we saw something, we’d say something in these situations, we are strikingly bad at anticipating how...…

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