PM Forum


GDPR is coming in 2018 - what you need to know

EU data protection regulations will come into force in April 2018 and every business will be affected. This article gives a brief summary...

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10 Ways to get more people to read your content

An interesting article with a quick reference to seldom used eyetracking (and heatmaps)  to understand web users reading traits.

Jakob Nielson’s web usability study from 1997 showed that 79 per cent of web users scan rather than read. In addition, eyetracking...…

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Why new data laws (GDPR) could be a marketing opportunity

Are you prepared to welcome the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when it comes in to force in May 2018? 

GDPR is onerous but it's not all bad news. In fact it presents an opportunity to transform your relationship with your customers and...…

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Analyzing Big Data Using an Integrated, Customer-Centric Approach

Technology is constantly improving and data is constantly increasing - an informative article looking at the the business value of big data.

Businesses are trying to leverage their vast amounts of data to stay ahead of the competition and move their business forward. The...…

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The Seven Factors of Company Value

Even in a weak economy, some companies find ways to thrive. These firms become top acquisition prospects and can receive extraordinary...

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